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Writer's pictureShruti

Welcome to the New Blog!

Sorry about the move to a new blog. I figured it was time to change the old address since it doesn’t really apply to me anymore…

A little over a year ago, I was finishing up my first year of a graduate program in a country near the equator. My lupus flare was out of control and the doctors thought that the heat, UV light and humidity were inciting repeated flares. I was forced to leave my graduate program and move back to the states.

I have spent the last year trying to get back on my feet. It took ages to get off of the prednisone, try to figure out a better medication plan, and then try to get my life sorted out. (I’m still working on that last one.) It’s been a really rough year, and I had a hard time putting it all into coherent text. There are a number of medical changes and experiences that I have been meaning to write about – hopefully I’ll get those posts up soon. In any case, I created a new twitter handle and blog address because I felt that focusing on my lost grad student life (and it’s resultant career path) were dragging me down into the past. It was time to look to the future, so here we go…

A special thank you to my twitter friends who have been endlessly supportive this past year. I could never have made it through the year without your love.

PS: For those of you who are wondering, the new blog title comes from my last blog post.

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