So my darling friend Annie Martin (@fragileannie) over at It’s Time to Get Over How Fragile You Are granted me this award. As a new blogger, I am truly honored to have even been considered.
As acceptance of this award, the following criteria should be met:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I suppose the “only pick 15 blogs rule” is to make sure that this keeps getting passed on, but it sure is hard to choose only 15 (even after ruling out all the blogs that Annie has already listed). There are so many great blogs out there – and I’ve only discovered a few of them. So please don’t be offended if I don’t list your blog. I still love you, promise! On the flip side, if I double list one by accident … sorry about that too. (P.S. these aren’t ranked!)
I also included public Twitter IDs (if your blog is listed and I didn’t include your Twitter handle either I don’t have it or it’s privacy protected. Let me know if you’d like it to be added and I’ll edit this post.)
Definitely check out these amazing blogs… I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do. (and I’d love it if you leave me a comment with the other great blogs you’ve found)
Leslie at Getting Closer to Myself has really inspired me through her posts (case in point). She even has an interview with Sarah Gorman, author of Despite Lupus!
Dr. Snit at Living With Lupus- But Dying of Everything Else has one of the best blogs I’ve seen. So much blunt honesty. You laugh and cry along with her. Show her some love and she’ll send 2x as much love back your way. Check out her Twitter too! (@drsnit)
Tiffany at Living La Vida Lupus does an amazing job advocating for and supporting fellow lupus and chronic disease sufferers as well as informing us about new studies, events, etc. Such a loving soul! She writes a great Twitter too. (@tiffanyandlupus)
Kathy over at The Fibochondriac writes an amazing blog. She covers a variety of topics, so definitely check out her “previously posted” page for archived entries! (@fibrochondriac)
Melanie at College Life with Lupus constantly reminds me that I’m not alone in the trials of trying to manage school and lupus at the same time.
KL at And Then Life Changed writes a blog I just discovered recently. She writes with such frank honesty, it’s really amazing how much she can open up.
Carla writes Lupus and Humor writes a great blog that alternates between funny posts and interesting updates. Don’t miss her songs – she’s not called “the Singing Patient” for nothing!
Christine at Living, Laughing & Loving With Lupus doesn’t post as often as some other bloggers do, but her posts are honest and heartfelt.
Michelle at The Life and Times of a Girl with RAis a new another new find for me. She’s a new blogger – definitely go back and read her archives. Worth the time!
Shweta at its no more in my head is quickly becoming a good internet friend of mine. Her blog is a nice balance between life updates and RA-related posts.
Laurie at A Chronic Dosewrites a fabulous blog. She has published a book Life Disrupted, which I haven’t had a chance to read yet… but if her blog is any indication, I’m sure it will well worth the read. (@achronicdose)
Ashley at Ashley’s Journey to Wellnesshas 17 amazing posts so far. I’ve been getting to know her via Twitter and she is one amazing lady!
Dannette at FibroHaven is the founder of the FibroHaven Support Foundation. Her blog is poignant at times and equally in your face starkly honest at others.
Rachel (@GlassofWin) at Glass of Win writes a very different kind of chronic health blog. I love reading about all the adventures she goes on despite being born with a congenital heart condition!
Nancy at Chronic Connection writes an absolutely amazing blog. Her weekly goal setting inspires me to do the same!
SPECIAL MENTIONS: These aren’t chronic disease blogs, but I really enjoy them. Besides, we aren’t defined only by our illnesses right? These 2 are good fun, so check them out if you find some time or need a pick me up.
Enna at Kosher Pork Chops writes one heck of a hilarious blog, and one heck of a twitter too (@superenna). Well worth checking out if you’re looking for some solid entertainment. One of the first places I go if I’m having a rough week!
(@whatkindofgirl) at Not That Kind of Girl … Trying to explain this one is beyond me, you have to read it to believe it!