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Best Conversation I Had This Week

This post is part of the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health. I will be writing a post a day for all 30 days....

The Ugly Duckling Feeling

This post is part of the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health. I will be writing a post a day for all 30 days....

I Write About My Health, Because …

This post is part of the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health. I will be writing a post a day for all 30 days....

Superpower: Teleportation

This post is part of the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health. I will be writing a post a day for all 30 days....

Quotation Inspiration: Maya Angelou

This post is part of the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health. I will be writing a post a day for all 30 days....

Health Time Capsule

This post is part of the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge hosted by WEGO Health. I will be writing a post a day for all 30 days....

WEGO Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge

Hey everyone – I just wanted to tell you about a new activity I’ll be doing this April. The Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge...

Work Series: Job Hunting

For the last year and a half I was part of the masses looking for a job. This is a frustrating, demeaning process at its best. I...

Exercise: Rain or Shine

This post was included in Chronic Babe Blog Carnival #42: The Winter Wellness and Fitness Edition. People with lupus and fibro are always...

Goodbye to You, My Twitter Friend

Last night I found out that one of my very first twitter friends @Beautiful1Amy (@cute1amy before she changed it) had passed away. She...

World Arthritis Day / 125-16-25

Today is World Arthritis Day, and I am taking part in a blog carnival type of thing: World Arthritis Day 2010: Global Awareness Event...

gotta have faith?

This post was featured in ChronicBabe Blog Carnival #35: Let’s get spiritual: Faith, religion & chronic illness Faith is one of the...

Welcome to the New Blog!

Sorry about the move to a new blog. I figured it was time to change the old address since it doesn’t really apply to me anymore… A little...

The Ill and the Blameless

This post was nominated and selected to be part of  @commenthour‘s Comment Hour on Wednesday, September 7, 2011. When I sat down at the...

Rheumatologist Updates

Since I forgot to post an update after my last appointment, I wanted to make sure I got the new update up as soon as possible. I switched...

Summer Weddings & The Sun

This post was featured in ChronicBabe Blog Carnival #31: Summer Plans Last weekend I flew out to Tennessee to the wedding of a very close...

Fibromyalgia Awareness Day 2011

According to the National Fibromyalgia Association, fibromyalgia affects 10 million people just in the USA alone … and 3-6% of the world...

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